For Wed:
Proof for Feedback:
Please re-do your first proof quiz. See detailed instructions below.
- Obtain your proof 1 quiz (handed back Monday; if you missed class ask me and I’ll send you a photograph of it), and check out my feedback. Also look over this document about model solutions which we spent a while discussing in class. It’s got lots of important feedback/discussion on writing.
- Then, when you feel you’ve absorbed the feedback, close all your resources/notes and do the proof on a blank page. Hand this in for feedback. (Don’t just copy one of the model solutions I’ve given you; that would have very little learning value.)
- We have another proof quiz on Wednesday! You can see the schedule of proofs by clicking on the Grading tab at the top of the page. (Note: at some point I reordered the 2nd and 3rd topics.)
- In fact, here’s a fun counting question: looking at the schedule of quizzes, how many ways could I reorder them? Two proof quizzes are not considered different.
- In class we started a worksheet on combinatorial proof puzzles. Spend some more time on this, up to problem 4 ideally, more if you want. We will tackle it next day in class. Here are Friday’s class notes which are relevant.
- Another counting question: how many different burritos can you actually make at Chipotle? Discuss on discord (is this problem well-defined/precise?)