For Friday, Feb 3

For Friday:

Proof for Feedback:

Counting orderings


  1. Here are solutions to the last proof for feedback.
  2. How many ways can you order 5 students?
  3. How many ways can you pick 5 students from 27 students, ordered?  (Meaning the ordering of the students matters.)
  4. How many ways can you pick 5 students from 27 students, unordered?  (Meaning the ordering of the students doesn’t matter.)  To approach this, try to use the solution to the last problem, but adjust for overcounting.  Hint:  how many times did you count each solution?
  5. Fix n and m in general (assume m is greater than or equal to n, both positive integers).  How many ways can you pick n students from m students, unordered?
  6. Think about the rest of the problems on your counting worksheet.  We will discuss these in class, but get a head-start pondering them.  Also, an apology that the worksheet does not involve any non-binary people (there are lots of girls/boys and women/men).  I’ll have to add some more problems!
  7. Finally, I would appreciate if you would include a copy of your self-evaluation sheet with this submission.  Along with our first in-class test, I’d like to review participation in the class and this will help me see how people are doing.  If you have any comments on your participation/comfort/success/feelings about the class, please feel free to include these.  It will help me get a view of how things are going.